Friday, April 20, 2007

I want to express my thanks to eveyrone who visited my website on April 18th - 1115 of you took time out from your busy schedules to drop in for a few moments of curiosity about who I am, what my photography means and how I can be of some guidance in your own journeys through this turbulent world via the lens and capture modusof a camera.

This was a record setting day for my website.

All of us who work hard to communicate to people by this marvel of modern technology realize that our efforts to be positive in life is really no different from what every visionary of all ages has tried to do. No matter what the medium of their day gave them - papyrus, stone, illuminated manuscripts, Guttgenrburg Press, or evey other innovation. The one constant from Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and Descartes is that we benefit from the Cosmic Consciences of our convoluted Universe.


My growth gets energy from all of you - just as musicians play their best music when the audience cheers and stomps.

Not very many of you know who Michael P. Harker is - often I don't even know.

I like to explore possiblities. And I will always pass on what I encounter and record in my journeys until I pass on to the Eternal.

Many thanks to all of you.



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