Thursday, October 20, 2005

Photography has a mystery to it that captures the imagination of both the person behind the camera and the people who get to view the results from outside the image making process. Neither particpates without the other. And so communication becomes the true reason for anyone delving into the medium, whether it is used primarily as a means of personal introspection or as a form of mass communication.
When I was working on my degree in Professional Photography at Southern Illinois University in the mid-seventies, Marshall McClullen's philosphy that "the medium is the message" was the prime genitor shaping student work and professional aspirations. We felt we must not only be capable of mastering the technical parameters of photography, but that it was essential to understand how our images conveyed meaning.

It has taken me thirty years to meld my self-directed communication to please both myself and those viewing my work onto the same plateau; and what a journey it has been. These images I have installed as the permanent items on my main website and as the fluid, changing images on this blog, are here to demonstrate what I have achieved and what aspiring new photographers can do with their own vision and energy.

I appreciate that so many of you visit my site to see what new photographs await for your curiosity. Feel free to contact me at any time to chat about what you see and to also share your own work. I have learned many good things about photography through the dialogue and portfolios of others and hope that I can give the same.


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