Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I need to draw attention to a group of people in San Francisco who have decicated both time and resources over many years to support photographers world-wide in their efforts to gain recognition. TCB-Cafe Publishing has held international theme-based competitions for photographers that have the lofty goal of publishing the selected works in a book published by TCB-Cafe Publishing.

My connection with these people began in September 2006.

The event was titled "A Smile is Worth a Thousand Words" and anyone could enter up to three images. Out of the large amount of submissions entered, fifty-three individuals were selected to have their images published. I am honored that all three of my submissions were accepted.

Now the book has been published. I will receive my copy in a few weeks and will for the first time see the final result of my work and the others. It is indeed an honor and privledge to have my work in this collection, especially so because the deepening recession in America has made this the last book of this nature that TCB-Cafe Publishing will be doing.

I guess no one really appreciates something until it is gone.

Kudos to their committment and I hope you will take a moment to visit their website. Please send them an e-mail of thanks on my behalf.


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