Friday, January 30, 2009

"Singular Creation Art and Photography Gallery" has accepted my work on their site and I have started a gallery there now. My core business strategy this year is to place myself in every important on-line and published creative photography source possible. By permeating every opportunity the market has to offer, I will achieve my goals quicker.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"F-Stop Magazine" is an on-line photography magazine and today they informed me that they are going to publish some of my work in their next issue. That will be available on February 1st, 2009. The magazine has an interesting website and you can view some excellent work by other photographers from around the world there.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am proud to announce that Digital-fotofusion in the United Kingdom has selected me as a new member of their on-line Gallery. So I now have self-representation of my work in Europe and can add up to 30 new images a day.

Google "digital-fotofusion uk" to get to their site. To see my work click on the "Galleries" box and scroll down until you find my gallery.

I will be posting images there that I won't be posting here on my blog.

Yes, it is a gamble I am taking to gain recognition, but one that has begun to pay off - I have had 70 hits on my digital-fotofusion gallery already!

This gallery site has been created by Phil Preston whose architectural photography is outstanding. Check it out.

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's a bit like gambling, you know, this drive to win grants and photo competitions, to get my work published in eclectic photography magazines, all of it leading to expiate my desire for fame. Fame gathered to me through a contract with a big publishing house, fame gathered to me like Ansel Adams or Stieglitz or Strand - some way that I can find for the world to recognize me as different.

But how can one lone photographer rise from the vast, vibrating ocean of twenty million photographers, all of who dream the same dream?

Adams and Stieglitz and Strand were pioneers working alone out in the empty stretches of a day when few could be or wanted to be famous. They didn't have an easy path by any means, but their paths were pretty much straight forward - learn your craft and go for it.

The 21st Century Photographer is a man or woman plagued by a technical shift that allows anyone and everyone to Become. . .

But I have never been one to shirk at competition or at setting a high goal for myself. I may have to climb a steeper slope to achieve my goal than my forbears, but I am standing on some great shoulders on this small piece of the time continuem that gives me as much of a chance as anyone else.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Recently I have been submitting photographs and articles to over a dozen photography and special interest magazines world wide. So far I have been treated courteously and have contracted with some of them to publish my submission.

One magazine in particular, OUR IOWA, has unfortunately been rude to me. I was trying to offer a series of images from my barn documentary and was told that they work closely with the Iowa Barn Foundation on this type of architecture. I am not affiliated with that organization, which uses sub par, ameteur photography on their website and in their own quarterly magazine.

OUR IOWA is suppossed to be about Iowa by Iowans; I guess I don't qualify, even though I have lived in Iowa since 1985, and I guess my photography and my reputation doesn't meet with their editorial views.

If you have thought about buying their magazine, you might want to consider how I have been treated before sending them a subscription fee.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For some time now, I have been following closely those of you who visit my site and "Illegally Download" my images onto your own computers. Some of my images have been appearing on other websites without any photo credit stating the images are mine. No one has e-mailed me to ask for my permission and have abused the privilges associated with visiting my site.

I haven't wanted to take action to stop this behavior, but unfortunately just a few bad apples are beginning to spoil things. I want to inform you that ALL of the photographs posted on my website in my galleries and on my "News Blog" are mine and protected by federal copyright laws.

I am explicitly informing those of you who download my images for their personal use that you are indeed in violation of my copyright. Soon I will take whatever steps I need t0 in order to protect myself. I am a professional photographer - that is how I make my living.

When you take my photographs without my permission, you are stealing from me.

I have kept a log of these "Illegal Downloads" and the FBI is aware I may begin prosecuting people.

I suggest you cease and desist your illegal activity.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The "Iowa Heritage Illustrated", a publication of the Iowa Historical Society in Iowa City, Iowa will be publishing an upcoming issue devoted to my One-room Schoolhouse photos. They ran an outstanding, twelve-page spread on my Barn photographs in 2003 and I know that Ginalie Swaim, the editor, will do likewise with the Schoolhouses.

When I know the publishing date, I'll post it, but I think there's a good chance it will appear in their next issue.

Monday, January 05, 2009

I would like to share with you some of the history of my website.

In 2006 Medrounds designed my site around what was then the central theme of my photography - documentary photography of Iowa's historic architecture. Andy Doan and his team worked closely with me to create exactly the look I desired in a professional image. Just a few months after it was up and running I had them add my "News Blog", which allowed me to post photos and essays whenever I wished.

Here is a breakdown in the number of hits I have received to my site:

2006 - 2996
2007 - 66,003
2008 - 100,497

I am very pleased by how interest in my site has grown so rapidly. To all of you who have tapped into my experiences and images - Thank you!

It is a pleasure to offer you my insight on this fascinating journey through the lens.

Best Regards,

Michael P. Harker
Website Designed by Medrounds - Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Michael Harker - Contact Me